You know that show, Fear Factor, where they have people do really freaky, gross things for money? Well I've decided I would never survive on that show. The primary reason:
I hate snakes. I think I would faint if a snake slithered over my foot or something, let alone lots of snakes slithering over my face or whole body, like in this Fear Factor photo:
Unfortuntely, we have a ton of snakes in our yard. I grew up with snakes being an infrequent sight, and now I am seeing them on an almost daily basis. The problem: The dozens and dozens of old railroad ties we have in our yard. They're used for terracing and landscaping, and a lot of them are rotted out and need to be replaced. Snakes love them -- they're like snake magnets. *shudder* I've had nightmares about snakes since the weather warmed up. Not even kidding. Maybe I need to see a therapist or something.
The most disgusting sighting happened last week, when I saw a knot of snakes sunning on top of the chain-link fence in our back yard. They were all curled up together doing who knows what. At first I thought they might be dead, but as I moved closer I saw they were definitely alive. I later watched them slither down the fence and into the nearby rocks. *shudder again* Totally gross. I thought I got a picture on my phone, but it didn't save.
Unfortunately, replacing all the railroad ties with new lumber will be an expensive undertaking that we will probably have done by a professional landscaper. So I am resigned to deal with the snakes for at least a summer or two. I know, I know, garter snakes aren't harmful at all -- they're actually good for your lawn and garden and whatnot. I just hate them because they have a tendency to startle me, and, well, they just look gross. And since there are so many of them, I'm freaked out by the possibility of one finding its way into my basement. I proceed into my basement with caution now because I'm paranoid. I know, I need to get over it.
Pray for me! :P
Christmas 2013
11 years ago
Okay, first thought. If you like irises, don't plant them; they seem to attract snakes as well.
Second thing. I just heard this the other day, and while I haven't tried it, surely it's worth a shot. Sprinkle lye around their holes (in this case, the railroad ties) and apparently it drives them off. And, I would have Tony do a thorough check of the basement, then sprinkle lye around any window casings or whatnot down there as well.
Please let me know if it works. And, of course, be careful of Ruth. :)
I'm with ya on never going on Fear Factor, but my weakness is spiders. I've read that salt is another thing to help keep them away but it eats at the lawn too.
YUCK! I'm not really afraid of snakes, but having them in that number would be so disgusting. Can't you just get rid of the railroad ties without putting in the new lumber?
Do you find out what your having soon?
You could do what my mother in law does-carry a bottle of bleach with you! LOL. Not reccomended, as it does tend to yellow up the grass. Good luck, and I hope none find there way into the basement!
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